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The Dashboard enables you to organize and quickly view your saved charts (from our suite). You can create a thematic dashboard (e.g., a Mining Dashboard), an asset-specific dashboard (e.g., Favorite BTC charts) or really any mashup that you'd like.
When you arrive at our Dashboard home page, you will need to enter your API key in the top right corner (we will soon allow our community users to load the charts they've saved locally). Note: This tool does require that you have previously created and saved charts.
Upon entering your key, you will be able to create your personalized dashboard. Simply click the "Add Chart" button to add one of your pre-saved charts to a dashboard.
If you do not have any saved charts, simply return to the Network Data Charts, Formula Builder or Correlation Chart by utilizing the top left menu and start making and saving some charts.
Also, if you created your chart prior to July 2021, you will need to "re-save" them to enable our dashboard features. You will see older charts greyed out in the list of charts when importing (see Needs to be resaved below).
Click on the "chart" button corresponding to the chart type to easily navigate to the chart itself, re-save and return to the import chart dialog.
You can save your Dashboard by selecting the "save" image on the right toolbar. There are two options for saving your dashboard:
Save as... (only available to users with a Viz API key) - save your dashboard to your API key and reload it later from any device. Dashboards saved to your API key can be "named" (given a title).
To local drive - save your dashboard to your local drive in a json format and reload it for later use.
To load a previously saved dashboard, select the "folder" image on the right toolbar. If you saved your dashboard to your API key (to the Cloud), then it will show up in the list of dashboards. If you saved your dashboard to your local drive, then select load "From Local Drive".
If you load from local drive then find your file/dashboard using the explorer window.
Once you've added a chart to a dashboard, you can continue adding charts using the "Add Chart +" button.
To get the Dashboard looking just the way you want it you can:
Drag and drop charts to different positions in the Dashboard: simply click the header of a chart and drag to a new spot
Delete charts: use the "X" in the top right hand corner of the chart
Replace charts: use the swap button in the top right hand corner of the chart
Maximize (to consume the entire width of the dashboard) or minimize (to consume half the dashboard width): use the minimize and maximize buttons in the top right hand corner of the chart
If you've made changes to the underlying charts that you'd like to see reflected in your dashboard, use the refresh button in the right hand toolbar.
To download the dashboard or charts in your dashboard (either as PNGs, CSVs or XLS files), use the download button on the left toolbar.
You will then see several options. The first three options (CSV Files, Excel Files, PNG Files) download the information in the format selected for each individual chart. The fourth option (PNG Dashboard), downloads a PNG of the entire dashboard.
Note: Please allow your dashboard to fully load before downloading.
To share a dashboard, you must first "save" it. Once it is saved, the share button will activate.
Upon clicking on the button, you will see the chart's "shared" status. If this is a new chart, the status defaults to "sharing: off". If you'd like to share the dashboard, click the radio button and the chart will become sharable and "public". You can then use the copy button to obtain a shareable URL.
Note: Individual charts within a dashboard that have not been made "shareable" will not be visible if they are included in a shared dashboard. You will first need to enable "sharing" on those specific charts if you want to share them.