

Xfer Cnt


The sum count of transfers that interval.


Xfer Cnt



1 day


  • A transaction is comprised of one or more transfers between different entities. A single transaction may contain dozens of distinct transfers, which represent the movements of native units from one ledger entity to another distinct ledger entity. Only transfers that have a positive (non-zero) value are counted. Transfers have been colloquially referred to as "payments".

  • For ETH, we do not count failed transactions or self-sends towards TxTfrCnt. We do count internal transfers and do not distinguish them from top-level transfers. One way to think of TxTfrCnt is to count each time ETH effectively changes hands (excluding payment of fees and new issuance)

Asset Details

  • For SOL, we do not count failed transactions or self-sends towards TxTfrCnt. We do count internal transfers and do not distinguish them from top-level transfers. One way to think of TxTfrCnt is to count each time SOL effectively changes hands (excluding payment of fees and new issuance)


Source: CM Network Data Charts


Consider a single Bitcoin transaction that represents a company's payroll. The company broadcasting this transaction spends one input and generates 12 UTXOs, one for each of its employees. In this example, that transaction would entail 12 transfers.

Release History

  • Release Version: NDP-EOD 1.0

Availability for Assets

Token Xfer Cnt


The sum count of token transfers in that interval. Only non-zero transfers between two distinct addresses are counted.


Token Xfer Cnt



1 day

Asset-Specific Details

  • For Ethereum, this metric counts all ERC-20 or ERC-721 contracts, as long as their transfers follow the ERC-20 or ERC-721 specification.

  • For SOL, all tokens created by an official token program are considered.

Release History

  • Version 4.2 of CM Network Data Pro Daily Macro (End of Day)

Availability for Assets

Xfer Mean Size


The mean size (in bytes) per transfer that interval.


Xfer Mean Size



1 day, 1 block


  • Computed as BlkSizeByte / TxTfr

Release History

  • Released in the 1.0 release of NDP

Availability for Assets

Per Byte Xfer'd Mean Val, Adj (USD)


The mean USD value per byte transferred for all transfers that day removing noise and certain artifacts.


Per Byte Xfer'd Mean Val, Adj (USD)



1 day


  • Computed as TxTfrValAdjNtv / BlkSizeByte

  • This metric estimates the economical density of an asset.

Release History

  • Released in the 1.0 release of NDP

Availability for Assets

ERC-20 Xfer Cnt


The sum count of ERC-20 transfers in that interval. Only non-zero transfers between two distinct addresses are counted. Contracts that contain all of the following are considered to be ERC-20 contracts: the balanceOf function, the transfer function, and the Transfer event hash.


ERC-20 Xfer Cnt



1 day


  • This metric uses the ERC-20 specification Transfer event as the definition for ERC-20 transfer and only looks for transfers emitted by contracts detected as ERC-20 following the criteria outlined in Contracts, ERC-20, count.

  • Full compliance with the ERC-20 standard is not required as only few ERC-20 tokens attain it. We therefore look for the bare minimum methods and events necessary for wallet integration of the token: balanceOf and transfer functions as well as the Transfer event. If a contract’s code has all of the following markers, it is considered to be ERC-20:

    • Signature of the balanceOf function: 6370a082311461

    • Signature of the transfer function: 63a9059cbb1461

    • Hash of the transfer event ddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef

Asset-Specific Details

  • This metric is only available for ETH and ETC.

Release History

  • Version 4.3 of CM Network Data Pro Daily Macro (End of Day)

Availability for Assets

ERC-721 Xfer Cnt


The sum count of ERC-721 transfers in that interval. Only transfers between two distinct addresses are counted. ERC-165 is used to determine a contract’s compliance with ERC-721.


ERC-721 Xfer Cnt



1 day


  • This metric uses the ERC-721 specification Transfer event as definition for ERC-721 transfer.

  • ERC-721 contracts are detected if they implement the ERC-165-compatible interface defined in the ERC-721 specification using the procedure specified in the ERC-165 specification.

Asset-Specific Details

  • This metric is only available for ETH and ETC.

Release History

  • Version 4.3 of CM Network Data Pro Daily Macro (End of Day)

Availability for Assets

ERC-1155 Xfer Cnt


The sum count of ERC-1155 transfers in that interval. Only transfers between two distinct addresses are counted. The ERC-1155 standard is an emerging standard for the issuance of both fungible and non-fungible tokens on Ethereum. As of this metric's release date, the standard has attained considerable traction in the ecosystem of Non-Fungible Tokens.


ERC-1155 Xfer Cnt



1 day


  • This metric is calculated by monitoring the blockchain for ERC-1155 Transfer Events, as defined by the EIP-1155 Standard Specification.

  • Like ERC-721 contracts, the activity of ERC-1155s is detected with the help of a secondary standard, ERC-165, which provides an interface for both 751 as well as 1155-compliant events.

Asset-Specific Details

  • As this metric is tailored to the Ethereum ecosystem, it is only available for ETH .

Release History

  • Released in Network Data Pro (NDP) version 5.1

Availability for Assets

API Endpoints

Token Transaction metrics can be accessed using these endpoints:

  • timeseries/asset-metrics

and by passing in the metric ID's TxTfr*, etc. in the metrics parameter.

curl --compressed "<your_key>"

Last updated