Token Transactions


Token Tx Cnt


The sum count of transactions that resulted in any token (ERC-20 or ERC-721) activity in that interval. Only Transfer or Approval events are counted as activity. If a transaction results in more than 1 transfer or approval, it’s only counted once.


Token Tx Cnt



1 day


  • This metric counts only the ERC-20 and ERC-721 specification Transfer and Approval events.

Asset-Specific Details

  • This metric is only available for ETH and ETC.

Release History

  • Version 4.2 of CM Network Data Pro Daily Macro (End of Day)

Availability for Assets

ERC-20 Tx Cnt


The sum count of transactions that resulted in any ERC-20 activity in that interval. Contracts that contain all of the following are considered to be ERC-20 contracts: the balanceOf function, the transfer function, and the Transfer event hash. Only Transfer or Approval events are counted as activity. If a transaction results in more than 1 transfer or approval, it’s only counted once.


ERC-20 Tx Cnt



1 day


  • This metric counts only the ERC-20 specification Transfer and Approval events emitted by contracts detected as ERC-20 following the criteria outlined in Contracts, ERC-20, count.

  • Full compliance with the ERC-20 standard is not required as only few ERC-20 tokens attain it. We therefore look for the bare minimum methods and events necessary for wallet integration of the token: balanceOf and transfer functions as well as the Transfer event. If a contract’s code has all of the following markers, it is considered to be ERC-20:

    • Signature of the balanceOf function: 6370a082311461

    • Signature of the transfer function: 63a9059cbb1461

    • Hash of the transfer event ddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef

Asset-Specific Details

  • This metric is only available for ETH and ETC.

Release History

  • Version 4.3 of CM Network Data Pro Daily Macro (End of Day)

Availability for Assets

ERC-721 Tx Cnt


The sum count of transactions that resulted in any ERC-721 activity in that interval. Only transfers between two distinct addresses are counted. ERC-165 is used to determine a contract’s compliance with ERC-721. Only Transfer or Approval events are counted as activity. If a transaction results in more than 1 transfer or approval, it’s only counted once.


ERC-721 Tx Cnt



1 day


  • This metric counts only the ERC-721 specification Transfer and Approval events emitted by ERC-721 compliant contracts.

  • ERC-721 contracts are detected if they implement the ERC-165-compatible interface defined in the ERC-721 specification using the procedure specified in the ERC-165 specification.

Asset-Specific Details

  • This metric is only available for ETH and ETC.

Release History

  • Version 4.3 of CM Network Data Pro Daily Macro (End of Day)

Availability for Assets

ERC-1155 Tx Cnt


The sum count of ERC-1155 transactions in that interval. Only transactions between two distinct addresses are counted. The ERC-1155 standard is an emerging standard for the issuance of both fungible and non-fungible tokens on Ethereum. As of this metric's release date, the standard has attained considerable traction in the ecosystem of Non-Fungible Tokens.


ERC-1155 Tx Cnt



1 day


  • This metric is calculated by monitoring the blockchain for ERC-1155 Transfer Events, as defined by the EIP-1155 Standard Specification.

  • Like ERC-721 contracts, the activity of ERC-1155s is detected with the help of a secondary standard, ERC-165, which provides an interface for both 751 as well as 1155-compliant events.

Asset-Specific Details

  • As this metric is tailored to the Ethereum ecosystem, it is only available for ETH .

Release History

  • Released in Network Data Pro (NDP) version 5.1

Availability for Assets

API Endpoints

Token Transaction metrics can be accessed using these endpoints:

  • timeseries/asset-metrics

and by passing in the metric ID's TxTknCnt, TxERC721Cnt, etc. in the metrics parameter.

curl --compressed "<your_key>"

Last updated